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If you’d like to join one of our committees, please contact

Scholarship Committee:

Shall be responsible for the supervision of the KAMP Scholarship Program. The Committee shall assure that KAMP membership and the geospatial community at-large in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are made aware of the scholarship opportunities. It shall establish and carry out the procedures of soliciting and receiving recommendations, reviewing qualifications and selecting candidates for the KAMP scholarships. The president shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

Chair: Scott Dobler

Co-Chair:  Nathaniel Deaton

Ex-Officio Member: Charles Altendorf

Board Liaison: Daren Jones

Education and Professional Development Committee:

Shall be responsible for all education-related programs of KAMP, including coordination of workshops and other professional development activities. It shall provide leadership, guidance and assistance to education-oriented activities within KAMP, including publications, technical programs at the annual Kentucky GIS conference and special projects. This Committee shall also be responsible for the dissemination, promotion and awareness of information toward the attainment of certification status in KAMP membership.

Chair: Vincent A. DiNoto, Jr.

Co-Chair: Demetrio Zourarakis

Members: Trisha Bush

Membership Committee:

Shall be directly responsible for the activities of KAMP regarding membership. It shall promote KAMP membership, contact prospective members and former members in an effort to ever increase and retain membership. The committee will work in conjunction with the Treasurer to verify the accuracy of member contact information and membership status. The treasurer is an ex-officio member of the committee.

Chair: Cole Waymeyer

Ex-Officio Member: Ray Rush

Members: Madison Cox

If interested, email to contribute!

Communications Committee:

Shall be responsible for supervising the design, development and maintenance of KAMP’s Website and social media sites. It shall be responsible for KAMP publications and archive of all published materials. It shall also be responsible for recommended publication and Web presence policies to the Executive Board as deemed necessary. The secretary shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.

Chair: Jacob Wallace

Co Chair: Open

Ex-Officio Member: Kelly Wright

Advisor: Alexis Sheehan, Annemarie Sacra, Christy Powell

Members:  Tyler Payne (Website), Jessica Lott (Social Media), Milady Meadows (Social Media), Daren Jones (Job Notifications), Jacob Wallace (Emails), Open (Events and Registrations), Open (YouTube)

If interested in contributing, email

Awards Committee:

Shall be responsible for the supervision of the awards program of KAMP. The Committee shall assure that the membership is made fully aware of opportunities for recognition through announcements. It shall establish and carry out the procedures of soliciting and receiving recommendations from the membership, reviewing qualifications and selecting candidates for the different KAMP awards to be given at the annual meeting. It will prepare announcements to the membership.

Chair: Charles Altendorf (interim)

Other Judges:  Nour Salam, Ricky Hernandez

Budget and Audit Committee:

Shall meet during the final quarter of the fiscal year to develop a budget for the following fiscal year and perform an audit of the association’s finances and assets. The treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member. The committee shall consist of two additional board members and two KAMP members in good standing.

Chair: Angela Scott

Ex-Officio Member: Ray Rush

Members: Tom East

Kentucky GIS Conference Planning Committee:

Shall be responsible for planning the annual Kentucky GIS Conference in its entirety, working in concert with the Education and Professional Development and Membership Committees. The president-elect shall serve as the chair of this committee.

Chair: Demetrio Zourarakis

Programing: Kenny Ratliff


Nomination Committee:

Shall be responsible for soliciting and selecting candidates for KAMP officers and conducting the officer election at the annual meeting.

Chair: Matt Wagoner

Members:  Derek Hunt, Eric Muncy, Christy Powell, Kyle Bearden

Future Facilities Management Committee (ad-hoc):

Members will be: Angela Scott, Christy Powell, Louis Hill

Board Members: Charles Altendorf, Daren Jones

Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals

P.O. Box 1411

Frankfort, KY 40602

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