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thursday, October 10th, 2024


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

John Nelson


"Making Maps is Just the Best"

John Nelson is a map maker, software experience designer, and writer at Esri creating fringe geographic data, curious web experiences, marginally educational blogs, and debatably instructional videos. He works in a small woodshed in Michigan and relishes the opportunity to chat with other map folks. In this presentation, John will introduce some interpersonal social concepts thinly shrouded in the framework of geographic information systems and cartography. He'll present some highly visual content to divert attention away from his awkward presentation energy. This scaffold of cartographic crutches will continue, as he walks through various how-to-isms, both analytical and visual, for geographic communication. As a mechanism for closing, he will reassert the original statement but with a bit more emotion since we have all been through this journey together.

Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals

P.O. Box 1411

Frankfort, KY 40602

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