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thursday, October 10th, 2024


9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Christopher Moravec

Chief Technology Officer


Christopher has been working in Software Development since 2008 and has loved every minute of it, specializing in GIS and Data. He has created entire software products around workflows built to manage data, with attention to where it comes from, where it gets stored, and how it gets used. Christopher works mostly in Python, JavaScript and C# building everything from backend server components to client facing configurable web and mobile applications both automated and user based) and working in an agile environment, with the end product in mind. Christopher is also a pilot, loves technology in general, and tinkers with software and gadgets at home and uses a 3D printer to build cool stuff.

Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals

P.O. Box 1411

Frankfort, KY 40602

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