KAMP Member pricing will not be offered if your dues are not up-to-date or if you are not a KAMP Member. To get KAMP Member pricing be sure to first either join KAMP or bring your dues up-to-date BEFORE YOU REGISTER for either the conference or workshops.
If you register without first renewing or joining, you will be charged the higher Non-Member pricing. The price difference CANNOT BE REFUNDED, OR APPLIED RETROACTIVELY, TO COVER PAYMENT OF DUES.

Limited space available
GIS and LiDAR: A Workshop for Geospatial Professionals!
You are invited to learn the basics and applications of LiDAR datasets that are widely available for the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
Basics and fundamentals of LiDAR acquisition
Standards and structure of LiDAR datasets
LiDAR data procurement
LiDAR point cloud processing using a GIS
Creation of digital elevation models (DEM) and applications
Creation of digital surface models (DSM) and applications
Extraction of information on height and type of features
Note: this is a enhanced version of a workshop that was offered at Kentucky Wesleyan College earlier in the year.
This workshop is co-sponsored by the
National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence
in conjunction with KAMP. This workshop will take place at:
The National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence
1000 Community Dr.
Southwest Campus of Jefferson Community and Technical College
Louisville, KY
Library Building, 2nd floor, Room TBD
Welcome will take place at 8:45am, workshops to begin at 9.