KAMP 2023 1st Quarter Meeting
February 16th, 2023
10:00AM – 2:00PM (EST)
1840 Simon Kenton Way, Covington, KY
Skyline Buffet Lunch Sponsored by: SEILER GEOSPATIAL
10:00AM – 10:15AM
Introductions and Welcome:
Beth Sewell, Kenton County Fiscal Court Commissioner
Kyle Snyder GISP, City of Covington, Infrastructure Specialist and Executive Director Parking Authority
Leadership Management Solutions
10:15AM- 10:40AM
“Mid-Career Changes: Planning for Success in GIS”
Kelly Wright, MS, GISP is the GIS Analyst for the City of Monroe, Ohio and coordinates GIS initiatives for Public Works, Public Safety, and Planning and Development departments. Prior to 2021, she worked as the GIS Program Manager at an AE Consulting firm in Dayton, Ohio, managing asset management, web GIS and transportation GIS projects for local, state, and federal governments. She began her career in GIS as an intern at the Ohio Department of Transportation while completing her Master’s in Geographic Information Science from the University of Southern California’s Spatial Sciences Institute. She is a proponent of continuing geospatial education and attained her GISP certification in 2019. Until recently, Kelly was the President of the Southwestern Ohio GIS User Group (SWOGIS) and regularly offers professional development and GIS technology sessions at industry events.
10:40AM- 11:00AM
“Project Management Concepts and Best Practices”
Louis Hill, AICP, GISP has been in the geospatial field for 20 years. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degree from Ball State University and holds AICP and GISP certifications. He is a Geospatial Solutions Lead at Planning and Development Services of Kenton County in Northern Kentucky. Louis has been a KAMP member for 18 years; he is a past President of KAMP, Fellow of KAMP (2020), and has previously served a governor-appointed position on Kentucky’s Geospatial Information Advisory Council (GIAC).
Break: 11:00AM-11:15AM
Emergency Management Solutions
11:15AM- 11:45PM
“Eastern Kentucky Flood Response: How GIS professionals can get involved with Emergency Management”
Jack Phillips is the GIS Support Specialist with the Boone County Planning Commission and has worked with GIS for over 20 years. Jack oversees user support, GPS support, and special GIS projects for Boone County GIS member agencies.
His work involves varied disciplines including Water Utilities, Natural Resources, LiDAR, Emergency Management, FME, and web mapping. He enjoys working with people unfamiliar with GIS and tries to solve problems spatially.
Jack received his bachelor’s degree in Geography from Eastern Kentucky University. He enjoys spending time with his wife and son.
11:45AM-12:15PM - Lunch and KAMP 20th Anniversary Cake
12:15PM- 12:30PM
Nic Braune Mapping/GIS Sales Representative for Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Nic began with Precision Products in 2017 as the Mapping/GIS Trainer and Technical Support contact after completing his bachelor’s degree in Geoscience from Indiana University Southeast. In December of 2022, Precision Products was acquired by Seiler Instrument and Nic moved into the sales role. Seiler is a Trimble Geospatial dealer as well as an ESRI business partner. Nic is a Trimble Certified Trainer and a Part 107 licensed drone pilot. Beginning is 2023, he has joined the KAMP Board of Directors. Nic is technically a Hoosier, but please don’t hold that against him.
Fun with Data Solutions
12:30PM- 12:45PM
“Converting GIS Data to Multilayer Laser Cut Maps”
Christy Powell GISP, Co-Owner, Hull & Powell Creative. Hull & Powell Creative has crafted decorative maps in a variety of mediums including wood, acrylic and paper. Christy’s presentation today is about the process of taking GIS data and turning it into 3D decorative objects such as bathymetry maps, racecourse maps, and partially translucent ornaments. Christy, along with Rick Hull, started Hull & Powell Creative in 2021. She has also worked full-time for PDS since 1996 and is a past president of KAMP.
Break: 12:45PM-1:00PM
Urban Tree Management Solutions
1:00PM – 1:20 PM
“Modernizing City Tree Inventory: Automating Workflows using Cartegraph and GIS”
Jacob Wallace is GIS Manager with the City of Florence Public Services. For the last 8 years, Jacob has seen his department elevate GIS through tech upgrades and refocusing processes and programs through the lens of GIS. He has been with the city since 2014 and has been a member of KAMP since 2015. He also serves on the KAMP Communications Committee.
Jill Tesny has been with the City of Florence Public Services since 2018. She currently works as a Project Administrator maintaining the infrastructure forecast and budget for the City’s facilities and parks. She’s been working on our asset inventory in order to develop preventative maintenance, replacement, and inspection programs. Jill also manages the tree inventory and maintenance budget for the City’s 6,000+ trees. She has a degree in Environmental Science from Ohio State University.
“OKI’s Tree Canopy Project for Northern Kentucky”
Jackson Shiffert has been working as a GIS specialist at OKI for about two years. Among other things, he has been utilizing Esri’s AI tools to produce street data for the counties in the Greater Cincinnati area including Northern Kentucky.
Closing Comments and Questions
Thank you to our sponsor!