4th Quarter Meeting
December 15th, 2022
2:00PM – 4:00PM (EST)
Virtual Lightning Rounds (Zoom link will be emailed to registrants)
Title: OKI and Suitability
Presenter Bio: Gabriela Waesch is a GIS Analyst with Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments. At OKI, she provides transportation analysis, cartography, and spatial imagery analysis. She is interested in UAVs, EVs, and transportation networks.
Title: Extracting Building Heights from Lidar Point Clouds
Presenter: Demetrio P. Zourarakis, Ph.D., GISP, CMS (GIS/LIS, RS, Lidar)
Bio: Demetrio has been involved with GIS and remote sensing for well over two decades. He is multiple times re-certified GISP from the GIS Certification Institute and Certified Mapping Scientist (GIS/LIS, remote sensing, and lidar) from the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). He is a former Certified GEOINT Professional (GIS) (USGIF). Currently, an independent scholar and consultant, Demetrio is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Kentucky and serves as Visiting Professor at Kentucky State University. He has served as Director of KAMP, Past President of the Mid-South Region of ASPRS and is currently Chair of the Regional Officers Council of ASPRS, serving on the Board of Directors.
Title: Enhancing GIS Workflows with Model Builder
Presenter Bio: Gladys Riaño-Cano has a BS in Civil Engineering and a MS in Metallurgic and Material sciences from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC). She has been working with GIS since 2012 with Geomatics and Environment at the university in Oil spill simulations, land cover restoration government entities. Since 2022 she is a Geospatial Solution Analyst for Planning and Development Services of Kenton County (PDS).
Title: Detecting Objects Using Deep Learning with Aerial Imagery in ArcGIS Pro
Presenter Bio: Jackson has been working as a GIS specialist at OKI for about two years. Among other things, he has been utilizing Esri’s AI tools to produce street data for the counties in the Greater Cincinnati area including Northern Kentucky. He is also an avid soccer fan and is looking forward to the world cup final this weekend.
Title: Automation of NG911 Quarterly Data Updates
Presenter Bio: Joe Busemeyer, GISP has worked as GIS Applications Developer Lead LINK-GIS/PDS since 2007. Joe’s primary responsibilities with LINK-GIS/PDS include developing web-based GIS applications, working with ArcGIS Enterprise, assisting Northern Kentucky agencies with specialized GIS projects. Joe earned his MA and BA in Geography, from the University of Cincinnati.
Title: Building a City Recycle Route Repository
Presenter Bio: Ryan Hermann, GIS Analyst has been with the Village of Indian Hill for 6 months, updating and integrating GIS into the city’s workflows. Ryan will showcase how to build a recycle route repository using the ESRI Platform. Ryan is an avid hunter and enjoys his time at home with his wife, 2 dogs, and 4-month-old daughter.
MAPPY HOUR: Discussion about Geospatial community training needs and offerings for 2023