Instructor, Vince DiNoto, GISP, Director of the National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence (GeoTech) and Professor at Jefferson Community and Technical College.
Description: This workshop will show basic general Python along with providing additional study materials. Specific Python commands used in conjunction with ArcGIS Pro will be introduced and demonstrated using the Python Window in ArcGIS Pro. The use of Jupyter Notebooks within ArcGIS Pro will be explored and demonstrated as well. IDEs will be discussed and shown working in program mode. This introductory workshop will show the uses of geospatial tools with Python, IDE, ArcGIS Pro, and Notebooks. This will be the first in a sequence of Python based geospatial workshops that will be presented. The workshop will be recorded and posted. Prerequisite: a working knowledge of geospatial software.
KAMP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Introduction to Python in Geospatial Technology including the use of Notebooks
Time: Apr 8, 2021 01:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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