Ky GIS Conference

  • 2015-10-12
  • 2015-10-14
  • Owensboro, Ky
  • 276


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed
KAMP is very excited to be moving to a new web based membership application named WildApricot.  WildApricot is being used for conference registration also.

To register with the member discount, you will need to be current on your dues before registering.

To Register:

  • Scroll to the bottom of this section
  • Click on the blue Register button on the left side of the screen.
  • Enter your email. If you are a KAMP member, this email address will allow you to access special KAMP pricing.
  • If you no longer have access to the email address tied to you KAMP membership, the Membership Committee will need to update your profile on WildApricot. If this is the case, you will need to contact us before registering.

Registration Costs:

Full-Conference Registration for KAMP Members $250.00
Full-Conference Registration for Non-Members $300.00
Student Registration $75.00
1-Day Conference Registration for KAMP Members $150.00
1-Day Conference Registration for Non-Members $200.00

Optional Conference Workshop Fees will be added separately.
Workshops range from free to $110.

Optional 2-day, Instructor Lead ArcGIS Pro Class Fee will be added separately.
This class is $800.

Additional Registration Information:

Registration Notes:

  • If you want to register for the conference and a workshop, you will go through the registration process for each item. After you have registered for all events, you can pay a single invoice for all.
  • If one individual will be paying all invoices for your organization, use the contact button on the invoice details to let Tom East know. He will be able to designate that person to pay all invoices as a single transaction.
  • If a workshop is full (either for your registration type or for all registration types), contact Demetrio Zourarakis to be added to a waitlist.
  • All other questions and comments can be directed to the communication committee.